Mon, Feb 06, 2023

CET - IE delivers Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Seminar in Bamban

For the last chosen Indigenous People (IPs) Community for Expanded Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (ECEST) extension activity of Tarlac State University - College of Engineering and Technology (TSU – CET) in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Industrial Engineering Department headed by Engr. Maricar N. Banting, resource speaker, Engr. Dick S. Tuazon and ECEST coordinator, Engr. Maan B. Florendo accomplished an activity series of empowering and training Indigenous Communities (IPs) in the province of Tarlac entitled "Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Seminar" for Sitio Burog, Brgy. San Vicente, Bamban, Tarlac last February 6, 2023. This activity aims to provide information, education, and communication materials related to safety, emergency, and disaster preparedness.
by Stephanie S. Carmen   – 2023 News  |  2023 Projects  |  CET News


For the last chosen Indigenous People (IPs) Community for Expanded Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (ECEST) extension activity of Tarlac State University - College of Engineering and Technology (TSU – CET) in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Industrial Engineering Department headed by Engr. Maricar N. Banting, resource speaker, Engr. Dick S. Tuazon and ECEST coordinator, Engr. Maan B. Florendo accomplished an activity series of empowering and training Indigenous Communities (IPs) in the province of Tarlac entitled "Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Seminar" for Sitio Burog, Brgy. San Vicente, Bamban, Tarlac last February 6, 2023. This activity aims to provide information, education, and communication materials related to safety, emergency, and disaster preparedness.


Engr. Maricar N. Banting served as a resource speaker and started her discussion by asking about the participants' knowledge of emergency preparedness and experiences of various hazards in their communities. During a natural disaster, Engr. Banting reminded the participants to always look for evacuation centers or safe places. At the end of the seminar, with the assistance of Engr. Dick S. Tuazon, Engr. Banting demonstrated a step-by-step on how to use a fire extinguisher, and they also disseminated leaflets titled "Handa Ka Ba?" An Emergency and Disaster Preparedness IEC Material to the beneficiaries which expert service providers prepared.


This extension activity contributes to Sustainable Development (SDG) Goal 4 (Quality Education) as this seminar provides life-long learning and awareness of the Dos and Don'ts during emergencies and disasters. Furthermore, by encouraging participants' caution and interactive capacity to hazards and natural disasters, the seminar contributes to Goal 13 (Climate Action). Moreover, by connecting TSU, DOST, and Bamban IPs, the activity contributes to SDG Goal 17 (Partnership for Goals). This extension activity series concluded with an outstanding rating from four chosen Indigenous People (IPs) beneficiaries.