Wed, Mar 01, 2023

CCS administers Capacity Building on the use of Google Tools and Zoom

The Tarlac State University – College of Computer Studies (TSU - CCS) conducted an onsite training andworkshop on google tools and zoom for Tarlac Police Provincial Office (TPPO) Personnel. The training wasconducted last November 21, 2022, at TSU – CCS Audio Visual Room (AVR). The said extension training and workshop aims to train and help the beneficiary to expand their knowledge regarding google apps and zoom management.
by Carlyn T. Nono   – 2023 Activities  |  2023 News  |  2023 Projects  |  CCS News


The Tarlac State University – College of Computer Studies (TSU - CCS) conducted an onsite training and
workshop on google tools and zoom for Tarlac Police Provincial Office (TPPO) Personnel. The training was
conducted last November 21, 2022, at TSU – CCS Audio Visual Room (AVR). The said extension training and
workshop aims to train and help the beneficiary to expand their knowledge regarding google apps and zoom

The said training was led by the college dean, Dr. Alvincent E. Danganan, and Dr. Rogel L. Quilala, the
College Associate Dean. Service Expert Providers from the college of computer studies acted as the Resource
Speakers on the said training. They discussed the topics in google apps and zoom.

Ms. Ronalyn T. Domingo, an IT instructor, shared her knowledge about google apps. She discussed Google meets, Google Drive, and Google forms. She added that google apps is designed to provide
educational institutions with a safe platform for data, offering better security and reliability than most schools
could achieve on their own. While Dr. Theda Flare G. Quilala, the TSU Admission and Registration Office, Director, imparted her knowledge on managing a zoom meeting. She discussed the before, during, and after a zoom meeting. She added that video conferencing tools, like Zoom, allow individuals to meet and work
together productively "face-to-face" when meeting in person isn't possible. This makes meeting remotely much
more human, which is essential in order to help users feel and stay connected.

After the talk, a workshop was held. The Tarlac Police Provincial Office (TPPO) Personnel performed what
they learned in the discussion. They They make an activity as an output in the said training. The Police Chief
Master Sergeant, Alma D. Rivera, and other PNP Facilitators were all thankful for the successful training. It
was a worthwhile experience for all that is in the service means being there at all costs.

On the 1st day of March 2023, The PNP Personnel, PMAJ Ruperto F. Calosa Jr. together with PCPL Aries Jay D. Cawigan revisit the College of Computer Studies to deepen their understanding while reinforcing their knowledge regarding google tools and zoom. With this, it allows them to transfer new knowledge and skills from short-term to long-term memory.

This completed extension activity of CCS contributes to Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 04, known as Quality Education; SDG 08, known as Decent Work and Economic Growth; and Goal 9, known as Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. This kind of activity helps to promote sustained, full, and productive employment and decent work for the beneficiary. It also helps promote lifelong learning opportunities for them in delivering their duty.