Sat, Oct 29, 2022

BJMP Outreach Program, lead by TSU CPAG

The outreach activity titled “BJMP Outreach Program” was conducted simultaneously with the National Consciousness Week of the BJMP. The said outreach activity aimed at identifying the needs of the BJMP and also extends Medical and Dental Mission for the PDL.
by Jericho V. Taroy   – CPAG News  |  2022 News  |  2022 Projects


The outreach activity titled “BJMP Outreach Program” was conducted simultaneously with the National Consciousness Week of the BJMP. The said outreach activity aimed at identifying the needs of the BJMP and also extends Medical and Dental Mission for the PDL.

The outreach exercise was led by Dr. Edwin Caoleng, Dean of CPAG, Dr. Caoleng gave message to the PDLs and BJMP Personnel in his opening remarks. His message was focused on the commitment of his fellow college faculty members for not only imparting knowledge and developing the full potential of their students, but also to apply it in real-life by rendering services for the community who are less privileged in life and those who are deprived by society. In order to convey joy and feel-good vibes, he promises that they would provide another outreach for them before the year is through.

Additionally, Ms. Jessica Corpuz, the BJMP female Dormitory Warden, expressed her appreciation for the activity. She was thankful that this activity was conducted for the PDLs in the female dormitory.

One of the DPA students, Dr. Ethel B. Vital-Cornes, a Lifestyle Medicine specialist from Capas, Tarlac, also volunteered to impart knowledge about leading a healthy lifestyle. She described "Lifestyle Medicine" as a medical strategy that employs behavioral therapies supported by empirical research to prevent, treat, and manage chronic disease. She also covered the top five causes of death, how people are classified by their BMI, and the nutritional value of certain common foods. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and ward off illnesses that can escalate to their chronic stage.

The Medical Services Unit of TSU, the Dental Services Unit of Tarlac Provincial Hospital, Masters in Public Administration and Doctors in Public administration assisted the PDL, along with the students and faculties of CPAG who help in preparation and facilitate the entire activity, are additional organizations without whose full support the aforementioned activity would never be successful.

Under the supervision of our doctors, who also dedicated their time to provide important services to our PDL and employees, 75 PDL and 15 staff members of BJMP obtained their necessities as well as the chance to consult their current health state.

In light of this. The personnel and staff of BJMP, BPA, MPA, DPA, the medical unit services of TSU, the dental unit services of TPH, and the efforts made by the CPAG students were all acknowledged by TSU-CPAG for their unflinching support.

The said outreach activity is contributed to the SDG 03: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. The extension activity done by the TSU-CPAG was deemed significant to have their hygiene essentials provided by the Extension Service Provider and a free consultation to make them aware regarding their current health status especially some of PDL are already senior. Furthermore, the lesson imparted by one of the resource speakers was beneficial since it was emphasized about the prevention to acquire diseases and achieved a wealthy and healthy lifestyle. Moreover, it was a commendable action by the TSU-CPAG in recognizing group of people who are incarcerated and deprive by liberty are also deem deserve to bestow such activities despite of the social strata where they currently belonged. This was also to promote in diminishing inequalities